April Fools joke gone bad in Belgium

An owner of a hotel in Charleroi was arrested for a silly april fool's joke. He texted a friend he had been taken hostage by two armed men.

Published on: april 1 2016, 5:08
Prank from: 2016

The owner of one of the hotels of the city decided to cast his friend and sent him a text message in which he said, he had been taken hostage by two armed men.

The friend of the hotelier did not appreciate the joke, or thought it was real! He immediately reported the incident to the police. The police arrived at the scene of the alleged incident and banged in the door of the hotel. The hapless prankster was then arrested. He was later released, but now he faces a large fine.

After the terrorist attacks in Brussels on 22 March 2016, the police and security services of Belgium are in a state of high alert and immediately respond to any reports of suspicious items or illegal actions.

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Virgin Airlines Dreambird

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Chicago Cubs have a made up game

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Google Calendar adds 'Feeling Lucky button'

Published on: maart 28 2017, 2:51

Prank from: 2008

In 2008 one of Google's April Fools pranks was a new feature in Google Calendar. They added the 'I'm Feeling Lucky' button, which wasn't a real feature!