Vaginal beer

Imagine the woman of your dreams, your object of desire. Now free your fantasies and imagine that with a magic wand you can close it in one bottle of beer.

Published on: maart 31 2016, 1:29
Prank from: 2016

Imagine woman of your dreams, your object of desire. Her charm, her sensuality, her passion… Try her taste, feel her smell, hear her voice… Imagine her massaging you passionately and whispering into your ear everything you want.

First Vaginal Beer: Bottled Instinct

Now free your fantasies and imagine that with a magic wand you can close it in one bottle of beer. The golden drink brewed with her lure and grace and flavored with instincts. Imagine the beer which every sip is a randez-vous with this hot woman of your dreams… she hugs you and kiss you gently, looking straight into your eyes… How much would you give for that beer?

Hot girl creating vagina beer
The secret of the beer lies in her vagina. Using hi-tech microbiology, they isolate, examine and prepare lactic acid bacteria from the vagina of a unique woman.

"The bacteria, lactobacillus, transfers a woman’s features, allure, grace, glamour, and her instincts into beers and other products, turning them into a dance with lovely goddess."

We are wondering if The Order of Yoni is serious about it or all of this is a build-up to April Fools Day. 

For the first batch they will use vagina bacteria of this model Alexandra Brendlova:

Alexandra Brendlova model for vaginal beer

Maybe it's not a prank? What do you think?

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Jim Beans

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Prank from: 2017

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Virgin Airlines Dreambird

Published on: november 27 2017, 3:50

Prank from: 2017

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