Computer screen

This one is great to prank your colleagues who work on a computer during April Fools' Day. Switch their computer screen upside down during a break.

Categories: Classmates, Colleagues, Dad, Mom, Parents, Teacher

This is a fun way to prank one of your colleagues. When they go on break use CTR, ALT [ARROW] to switch their screen upside down.

Also turn the screen off. When they return, they'll probably say something like: "very funny guys", only to find out that the screen is upside down!

April Fool!

More April Fool Pranks

Insects in the lamp!

This one can really scare the crap out of someone! All you need is a pair of scissors and some paper. You'll need some skills as it isn't easy to cut out some insects!

Computer screen

This one is great to prank your colleagues who work on a computer during April Fools' Day. Switch their computer screen upside down during a break.

Blue Milk

This one is great to fool your kids. When your kids are asleep the night before April Fools day you use food coloring to turn the milk in the carton blue!