Exchange Sugar by Salt

This is one of the easier pranks. Exchange your victims sugar by salt and watch them suffer affer they have taken a sip of their coffee or tea.

Categories: Boyfriend, Colleagues, Dad, Family, Girlfriend, Mom, Parents, Partner, Roommates

Of course you could also do it the other way around, making people throw sugar over their food! But to ruin someone's entire meal? It's up to you! 

More April Fool Pranks

Plants in your coworker's keyboard

This prank needs some preperation but is really worth it. Your coworker will show up and his keyboard will be full of little grasplants!

Trick your colleagues with a piece of tape

This is a great joke to trick your colleagues and this one is deviously simple. You only need a piece of tape.


Hang up teabags outside someones room. It's excellent to do this to your roommates for an extended period of time, eventually they will lose it! You'll see :)