Upside down water

Put some ice cubes in a glass and put the glass upside down.

Categories: Children, Dad, Daughter, Mom, Parents, Son, Roommates

Your guess is as good as ours as to how this person achieved this. We’re guessing either ice cubes in a glass or maybe even wet paper carefully removed.

Upside down water

More April Fool Pranks

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Pick a 'needs to know it all' friend from your group, and send a text about a juicy secret.

Put tape on the water tap

This practical joke is plain and simple, thus perfect for rookie April Foolers. Put some tape under the water tap. When they turn it on, water squirts everywhere.


Hang up teabags outside someones room. It's excellent to do this to your roommates for an extended period of time, eventually they will lose it! You'll see :)