Move Someone's Car
For this April Fools' Day prank you need to get up early or stay up late. While everyone's asleep move the car around the block. It appears stolen!
Categories: Dad, Family, Friends, Mom, Parents, Roommates
When your family members get up and notice the car is gone, they will surely freak out. Maybe they will try to call the cops. Pick a nice moment to announce they've been pranked! April Fool!!!
More April Fool Pranks
Exchange Sugar by Salt
This is one of the easier pranks. Exchange your victims sugar by salt and watch them suffer affer they have taken a sip of their coffee or tea.
The One Day Catfish
This joke is for your friends with a really good sense of humor. See if you can catch them in your trap of love and lies.
Upside Down
When your kids are asleep you start preparing this epic april fools day prank. Turn frames, paintings, photo's and all other stuff upside down.