Upside Down

When your kids are asleep you start preparing this epic april fools day prank. Turn frames, paintings, photo's and all other stuff upside down.

Categories: Children, Dad, Daughter, Mom, Parents, Son, Roommates

You know your kids will try to prank you on April Fools Day? Be one step ahead of them with this prank.

Watch your kids as they get out of bed, how soon will they notice something isn't quite right?

Of course kids can also use this prank to fool their parents!

More April Fool Pranks

Toothpaste Touch

This is a prank anyone can perform as anybody has a tube of toothpaste lying around right?! Put the toothpaste somewhere your victim has to touh! April Fool!

Move Someone's Car

For this April Fools' Day prank you need to get up early or stay up late. While everyone's asleep move the car around the block. It appears stolen!

Place 3.500 cups of water in your friends house

When away on April Fools' Day, his roommate thought it was the perfect time for a great prank. He placed 3.500 plastic cups of water all around the house.