Blue Milk

This one is great to fool your kids. When your kids are asleep the night before April Fools day you use food coloring to turn the milk in the carton blue!

Categories: Boyfriend, Children, Dad, Daughter, Girlfriend, Husband, Mom, Parents, Partner, Roommates, Son, Wife, Boyfriend, Children, Dad, Daughter, Girlfriend, Husband, Mom, Parents, Partner, Roommates, Son, Wife

You know you're kids will try to get you on April Fools Day? Be one step ahead of them with this prank.

When they want to have breakfast they'll think what has happened to the milk?! One-nill to the parents!

Of course kids can also use this prank to fool their parents!

Also a little flour mixed in with milk results in blue milk due to the Tyndall Effect.

More April Fool Pranks

How to make fake poop

In some pranks you can use fake poop. We always advise to use fake poop, as dogshit is just disgusting and April Fools' Day should stay fun!

Car for sale!

Most men really care and love their precious car. Even if its an old rusty machine they still hold dear to it. Prank your friend by putting his car for sale


This prank is one to build up to April Fools Day. Every time you are near someone leave pennies / small coins without them noticing.