Smartphone Prank

Many people use their smartphone all the time, so one of the best ways to mess with them on April Fools' Day is to mess with their smartphone.

Categories: Best friend, Brother, Classmates, Family, Friends, Roommates, Sister, Partner, Girlfriend, Boyfriend, Wife, Husband

​There are plenty of ways to do this, including changing the language settings and creating new autocorrect shortcuts, but the easiest way is by changing up their contacts.

Find your number in your friend's phone and change it to mom, their ex-boyfriend's name, or someone famous, and have fun torturing them with texts all day long.

More April Fool Pranks

Grab 'Poop'

This prank is funny when you use fake poop. Put a cover over it and tell your kid or roommate there is a bird under there. You have to be quick to catch it.

Toothpaste Touch

This is a prank anyone can perform as anybody has a tube of toothpaste lying around right?! Put the toothpaste somewhere your victim has to touh! April Fool!

Upside down water

Put some ice cubes in a glass and put the glass upside down.