Samsung Galaxy Blade Edge

Samsung introduced the Galaxy Blade Edge in 2015. It had all the features a Galaxy S6 phone had, but it was also a chef's knife! April Fools' hoax Samsung.

Published on: maart 29 2017, 10:43
Prank from: 2015
April fools day of: Samsung

Of course this was an April Fools' hoax by Samsung. It does seem quite handy though! :) Check out the features of this revolutionary phone! 

Samsung Galaxy Blade Edge hoax in 2015

More April Fool Pranks

Google Calendar adds 'Feeling Lucky button'

Published on: maart 28 2017, 2:51

Prank from: 2008

In 2008 one of Google's April Fools pranks was a new feature in Google Calendar. They added the 'I'm Feeling Lucky' button, which wasn't a real feature!

H&M Mark Zuckerberg Clothing Line

Published on: april 1 2020, 3:25

Prank from: 2016

H&M seemed to have a new brand ambassador. With the Mark Zuckerberg clothing line you can stay focused on your career.

Introducing Bigland

Published on: oktober 12 2017, 11:46

Prank from: 2017

In 2017 IKEA introduced Bïgland, the Smaland for adults. There you can drink beer, have a massage and settle a dispute! Happy April Fools' Day from IKEA.